Candela C-8 Boat Already Has an Official Presentation Date

Electric sailing enthusiasts are in luck, since from Candela, the new brand specialized in electric boats, has just made public the official date of presentation and subsequent commercialization of the C-8, its latest all-electric hydrofoil model and that they already call “the most anticipated electric boat in the world” due, particularly, to its attractive design, General specifications and capabilities.

In recent months there have been many electric boats that have been presented in society, however, there is one that has known how to shine among all of them. This would be the Candela C-8, which was presented in society as a mere digital design last August. Months later, the model began its tests in real environments and just three months ago we could see how a prototype of the Candela C-8 developed in its “inaugural navigation”. Now, the advances on this electric boat have borne fruit and from the company they assure that it is ready to be presented in society definitively, as well as to start marketing and selling to its potential customers.

Next week, specifically from May 28 to June 5, one of the largest events in the nautical sector, the so-called Salone Nautico Venezia, will be held on the Italian city of Venice, which will have a total of 9 days of exhibitions, conferences, regattas and tests of the different boats on the waters around the historic city. Taking advantage of this event of enormous international significance, from Candela they have decided that this will be the ideal environment to publicly meet the “most anticipated electric boat in the world”, as the Swedish manufacturer calls it.

This company will be present at this event during all the days of celebration of the Salone Nautico Venezia, in which it will show the details of the Candela C-8 to all those interested who come there. During the event, the Swedish firm will open the order book. They can be booked by giving a deposit (of 1,000 euros refundable) or, directly, contributing the entire amount that it will cost to get an electric Candela C-8, which is estimated to start at $ 330,000. Presumably, the first deliveries to final customers will be a complete reality throughout the second half of next year 2023.

Candela C-8: An Upgrade to C-7

This will be the second model launched by the company, after the Candela C-7, which was presented in 2019 and incorporated succulent solutions for its electrical mechanics. However, the C-8 is positioned one step above the previous model, since its hull is somewhat larger, reaching 8.5 meters in length and 2.5 meters in width. It hosts important technological advances in maritime electrification, such as its electric hydrofoil system, which is capable of reducing friction with water by up to 80%, which ensures greater electric autonomy and a higher top speed; but also its latest model of electric motor outboard, which is postulated as the most efficient in the world.

From the company they claim that their specifications will make this the closest thing there is to driving an electric supercar through the water thanks to its instant power delivery. The maximum speed will be about 24 knots (44 km/h) and its autonomy will be around 100 kilometers at cruising speed. Its hull has been developed in carbon fiber and its inspiration was that of airplanes. The Candela C-8 can present an image of a boat without a roof or, conversely, attach one to it for the days when it rains or to use it as a mere protection of its cabin.

Why Install An Electric Car Wallbox In Your Private Garage?

Electric vehicles are booming and more and more users are opting for this sustainable option instead of cars or fuel vehicles. In 2020, electric vehicles (EVs) grew by 78.4% and plug-in hybrids had a growth compared to 2019 of 213.8%. That is where a wallbox comes in.

In the near future in which more and more individuals have an electric or hybrid car, the installations of charging points in garages or private spaces will increase proportionally.


The word Wallbox comes from the English wall (wall) and box (box): it is a charging point that is usually installed on the wall of a private or community garage. There are cases in which they are also installed on pedestals, when it is not possible to anchor themselves to the wall.

There are different types of wallbox depending on the brand, some that require a card to lock and unlock the charger (RFID cards), others that are managed through the APP and there are others that simply connect to the car and start charging.

What are the advantages of installing a charging point in your home?

Nowadays many people are unaware of the advantages of installing a charging point at home and are sometimes confused with plugging the car into the conventional outlet, without taking into account the risks that this may entail.

Below, we explain the benefits of installing a wallbox in your private or community garage:

  • Safety:installing an electric charger protects the electrical installation from possible overloads and voltages in the line.
  • Protects the battery of the electric car: the protections against possible overloads allow the EV battery not to be affected.
  • Comfort: Instead of going to electric stations, shopping areas or public charging points, if you install your Wallbox at home, you can charge your EV at the time you want and without leaving home.
  • Faster charging:if you install a charging point by a professional, he adopts the line based on the power of the charger and, in this way, you can charge your car up to 8 times faster than if you plug it directly into the current.
  • Saving: In most charging points you can visualize the consumption so that your electricity cost is lower.

Thanks to the special tariffs for electric vehicles, you can pay the kWh at 0.03. That means that for an electric vehicle of 60kW of battery the cost would be equal to: 60kW x 0.03€/kWh = 1.8€ to be able to perform 500km (Ex: Hyundai Kona)

In a hybrid vehicle the costs would be: 10kW (car battery) x € 0.03 / kWh = € 0.30 (Ex: Peugeot 3008 hybrid).

  • Added functions: there are charging points that have a key or RFID card to control the unauthorized use of the load and there are others that have a screen where you can view all the parameters of the load.

With the evSmart model from Evmobe you can adjust the charging current manually (16 A, 24 A, 32 A): you get 3 chargers for the price of one.

As you can see, installing your charging point at home has many advantages. Recharging your electric car is like charging your mobile phone or laptop, just plug the cable into the car’s power outlet and wow! Start charging.

You just have to wait, unplug and ready to do kilometers.

Don’t know which charger you should install and how to install it? At Evmobe we provide you with the solution to this problem. Our team will advise you to know which charger best suits your garage and will leave it installed so you do not have to worry about anything.

If you want to know more information about how to install our charging solutions and request a quote, please contact us here.

Recharging An Electric Car: Everything You Need To Know

Recharging an electric car is not as simple as simply connecting it to conventional power. Having a suitable electric vehicle charger is essential to protect the state of the electric car battery and that its charge is optimal, as well as the performance of the car.

Some of the factors involved in the loading process are:

  • Kilowatts (kW): charging power of the charger for electric vehicle; Indicates how much energy is supplied to the electric vehicle.
  • Amps (A): current intensity. The higher the intensity, the shorter the loading time.
  • The type of battery of the electric car.
  • The charging point or wallbox installed.
  • The type of installation of the electrical system: single-phase and three-phase.


The battery of the electric car is the most important part of it, in addition to the most expensive, and you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions at all times so as not to damage it.

We recommend that you never completely unload the battery of your electric car and that you go to your charging point when the battery reaches 30%.

In addition, to preserve it, when charging first connect the plug to the wallbox and then to the car.


There are 4 standardized charging modes for electric vehicles: type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4 charging modes. Each of these charging modes supposes a different speed in the load.

The most used and recommended currently for private charging points

is type 3, semi-fast charging, which requires the installation of a charging point or a specific Wallbox. Why is it the most recommended?

  • The installation of the Wallbox incorporates protection systems necessary for the protection of the vehicle’s battery in its charge.
  • The installation of a charging point or wallbox ensures a higher charging speed than charging your electric vehicle to a conventional outlet.
  • It allows a single-phase or three-phase load.
  • It has a power of up to 22 kWthe vehicle is charged in 3 or 4 hours.

The type 4 charging mode is the one you will find if you decide to recharge your electric car at a public point or at an electric charging station. This type of charger uses a special connector for fast charging (the CHAdeMO, for example) that is specific to fast charging chargers.

With a power of 44 kW, recharging an electric car to 70% can only take 30 minutes.


You should consult your energy company if you have to increase the contracted charging power, since the one they normally offer in homes (3.68 kW) is not enough for an effective recharging of electric cars.

→ Electricity companies offer a specific tariff of a maximum power of 10 kW to users of electric cars.

According to data from the Transparency Portal of the Spanish Electricity Network (ESIOS), the average charging price is €0.11/kWh + the Electricity Tax and VAT of 21%. The average total charging price is 0.14 €/kWh.

In addition, you can choose the time of charging of the electric car through the apps that include the chargers themselves. In this way, you save money by recharging the electric car in the time slots with lower energy demand. At night, usually from 22h until 6am, is the period of the day in which the load is most profitable.

Contact us for more information on recharching an electric car chargers and charging point installations. We advise you!

Electic Cars: Why Should You Buy One?

The emergence of the electric car in the market has arrived with force and the forecasts about their future are quite good.

Despite the doubts that it initially generated, given its multiple benefits, more and more drivers are deciding to opt for sustainable mobility. If in your case you are still not completely convinced, from here we are going to show you some key elements that will make you think seriously about your purchase.

Why buy an electric car?

One of the main advantages of buying an electric car is its absence of emissions, although we have to tell you that it is not the only one. Some of the reasons why users decide to bet on the change have to do with tax benefits, saving money, free parking and more.

From here we want to explain the five advantages linked to the electric car so that you get an approximate idea of its full potential.

1- Less pollution

Indeed, electric cars that run on batteries do not emit any polluting gases (nitrogen oxide or CO2) during the time they circulate on the road. For this reason, the General Directorate of Traffic has created the Zero Emissions label with which it intends to distinguish them from combustion cars.

The gases expelled into the atmosphere by conventional vehicles, the result of the combustion of energy, are an evil for the environment and our health. By not emitting these chemical compounds, electric cars do not need an exhaust pipe, something that significantly reduces noise pollution.

2- Price of the recharge

The difference in cost per kilometer between combustion and electric vehicles is considerable, becoming one of the main advantages that drivers contemplate when replacing their old car.

As an interesting detail, if an efficient conventional vehicle spends about € 6 per 100 kilometers, an electric car will barely spend € 1.5. This is because the price of fuel is higher compared to the price of electricity.

To the price of recharging we must also add maintenance, clearly lower in the case of electric cars. Keep in mind that they have simpler mechanics that do not require as many parts as in the case of combustion vehicles. This means that it tends to break down less frequently and that it does not need as many spare parts.

3- Zero restrictions to enter large cities

Pollution damages air quality and, therefore, the health of the inhabitants. That is why many cities have created a series of protocols to pollute less once the measurements exceed the maximum allowed.

One of the advantages of the electric car is its permissibility when it comes to circulating freely in the city without having to face any type of environmental restriction. In this way, there are specific areas through which combustion cars cannot circulate.

In the case of Madrid, for example, the area to carry it out is Madrid Central, an area of almost 5 square kilometers that includes popular neighborhoods such as Sol, Embajadores, Cortes, Universidad or Justicia. Although the downtown district may seem too large an area to make this type of restrictions, the truth is that it is very small if we take into account other European cities such as London.

In this way, only vehicles that carry a zero emissions badge can enter this area of the capital in an unlimited way, while vehicles with an ECO sticker will be able to access it for two hours.

In addition to the increase in charging stations that continues to grow and alternatives such as the portable electric car charger, which you can use wherever you go, we must highlight the free parking in SER zones (regulated parking) and exemptions in municipal taxes, two more attractions of the electric car.

4- An electric car offers smooth driving and superb performance

Compared to conventional vehicles, electric cars have a fairly smooth and quiet driving. When accelerating they offer an immediate response, so they respond better in their start-up with respect to those of combustion.

As we have mentioned before, they do not need as many parts as conventional ones, such as gearbox or transmission tunnel, hence their interior space is wider. The battery system is quite large, but being at the bottom, it does not affect the trunk and internal capacity.

5- Aid and tax advantages

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge decided to create the Moves Plan in 2019. It is a plan endowed with aid to encourage the purchase of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles with subsidies from the State. It also grants aid to install new charging points or wallbox at home.

One of the most important tax advantages with which users can benefit is the Registration Taxhaving a zero emission level, they are exempt from paying it.

We hope that this post has helped you to know the advantages of an electric car in your day to day and has convinced you to replace your current vehicle with an electric one and thus move towards sustainability.

Volkswagen CEO Announces In Which Year the Brand Will Only Sell 100% Electric Cars

That Volkswagen is very focused on its electric path is no secret, but until now the German manufacturer had not given an exact date for its definitive step to electric mobility in Europe; Electro-Mobil Blog & More gives you more details in this articles.

Volkswagen has in the ID range a bet on the future. Wolfsburg have put all their eggs in the same basket and there is no turning back. Although the change they propose will be gradual, the Germans already have a specific date to make the definitive leap to electric mobility. Thomas Schaefer, recently appointed chief operating officer of Volkswagen, has confirmed that in 2033 they will only sell electric cars in Europe, two years before the official margin proposed by the European Union itself.

The truth is that no one can be taken by surprise by such an announcement since the enormous effort that Volkswagen has been making in recent years was aimed at a single purpose. Since the Volkswagen ID.3 hit the market in 2020, the brand has been directing its gaze to a segment that is beginning to dominate. Electric vehicles such as the Volkswagen ID.4 are gaining more and more followers around the world, and in Europe it has become the most popular model in the family, although within a few years everything can change.

And it will do so because the range will grow. The ID family will expand and do so quickly. Schaefer himself has warned that there will be 10 new models on the market before 2026. The access model will be the expected Volkswagen ID.1, which we have already talked about repeatedly. It has always been said that it would be below the psychological barrier of 20,000 euros, but the new figure, inflation through, will be 25,000 euros. That will be the starting point of the most affordable electric model in the ranks of Volkswagen, a high cost if we take into account that we are talking about a B segment.

Obviously it will not be the only one to present itself since after its launch there will be the presentation of a crossover of such size, the Volkswagen ID.2. The goal is to rival models such as the Peugeot e-2008 or the Opel Mokka-e. In this case, no minimum sale price has been specified, although the most logical thing is to think of figures of around 28,000 euros. Many plans on the table and many planned launches, not only in the EV range, but also in the ICE models that will correspondingly adapt to electrified formats until their complete disappearance.

The IDs will take over the range, and like the thermal cars will undergo updates and renewals. The first to undergo a facelift will be the ID.3. The compact will live next year a first renovation that in the words of the director of operations: “will make a significant and remarkable leap in terms of quality, materials and stability of the system”. Points where the ID.3 has to improve significantly, although nothing has been mentioned about an increase in autonomy or performance indices.

The other big headline from Thomas Schaefer’s interview with Reuters indicates that Volkswagen will shift its production focus from concentrating on a single model per factory to a platform thinking. That means that the Volkswagen Group will focus production on platforms and not models. For example, the ID.4 and the Škoda Enyaq, twin models that are manufactured in two different plants. This is a cost issue with which it is intended to achieve a profit margin of 8 percent by 2025.